Today Johan Stribeck from Tikab and Anders Lundgren from iX!, Information Experience met and discussed the possibilities of VR and AR in design and production.
Tikab has been working on developing effective ways to use VR (Virtual Reality) in coordination and communication during the design phase. iX! demonstrated today what we previously assumed, that in the production phase AR (Augmented Reality) is a very useful technology.
With new technology coming with major initiatives such as Microsoft Hololens, the performance is already good enough to mix reality with models in so-called mixed reality as AR is all about. With mixed reality, one or more digital layers are added on top of what is seen through the glasses.
With hardware like Hololens, holograms are experienced in real life and not on a screen as many got a taste of over the summer with the launch of Pokemon Go. It's a big difference - especially when you trade pleasure for utility.
With this technology, an inspector in a construction site can go and inspect a site and see projected installations behind the finished surface layers. Or perhaps a ventilation engineer looking at the building frame through his glasses and a digital layer of projected installations in 3D. When you can also access the underlying BIM information on each object, the full benefit is achieved.
So installation assembly suddenly becomes much easier without drawings.
The future is certainly looking brighter and brighter with each passing day!
Johan Stribeck
Business Area Manager BuildTech Services
+46 8 409 043 22
+46 709 52 71 70
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