Here you can read about our adopted policies on environment and quality.


Our business is built on trust.
We believe that trust is built through high quality.

For us, quality is delivering agreed content on time, on budget. No exceptions.

Our customers and partners should be able to rely on Tikab to deliver what we promise and to deliver qualified, creative and simple solutions to complex problems. The customer should feel confident that what we deliver is correct.

We are aware that our activities have an impact on society at large and take into account the needs and relevant requirements that society has for our services.

Our passion is to realise opportunities through quality technology solutions at the forefront.

This policy was adopted by the CEO on 2021-11-29.

(Sustainable Development Policy)

For us, sustainability means respecting the earth's resources. By being aware of how our surrounding environment affects these resources, we can make choices that have as little impact as possible.

We work for a sustainable society so that our world is a place where people feel good, live in healthy economies and the ecological systems around them work. We help create lasting value in a market that contributes to reduced production of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases, good interactions with nature and better lives for the world's inhabitants.

  • We identify the environmental requirements of our stakeholders to help them meet their requirements, in addition to our own.
  • We value our own environmental and sustainability impacts within the context of our operations, including our working practices and the opportunities for our employees to make good environmental choices, both in their work (travel) and in their private lives (awareness-raising).
  • We act when we believe we can discourage environmentally damaging behaviours or encourage less environmentally damaging behaviours, so that we can continuously improve our behaviours and enhance our environmental performance.

This policy was adopted by the CEO on 2021-11-08.


Contact us to find out more about how we think about sustainability!

Per-Anders Jönsson


+46 8 409 043 01