

No projector, no computer, NO powerpoints....
But a big fruit bowl and about 1258 Post-ITs in different colours and sizes.

Add flipcharts, old-school whiteboards and the very latest in workshop plastic. It makes those important post-it notes mobile in a modern way. In total, we have invested in 2000m of workshop plastic and have big plans to dispose of it by Christmas when a new supply of Smiley smile arrives

Have a nice long weekend!

Read more about us and the concept at!

You haven't missed the new BIM/VDC initiative Bimentor, have you?

In short, it is about business development for all types of companies in the construction sector. This is to adapt traditional ways of working with new tools to new ways of working with new tools. To get there faster, the strategy, goals and vision for this must be nailed down in management so that you, the technology/information professionals, can develop and implement the new ways of working without being thwarted.

As we see it, this is a prerequisite for success!

Bimentor - A collaboration between Tikab and PST